Friday, June 20, 2014

Wake me up when it's all over

So, when I drove out here back in April, I shot a bunch of video clips with my iPhone of my drive, with the intention of making some sort of music video.

It sounded like a much better idea in my head.

Basically, imagine a lot of this, but in motion. (Photo by Bryan Trude)
Well, a few weeks ago I sat down and finished it. I haven't made it public mostly because, like anything else I try to do that can be construed as artistic, I think it sucks harder than the death tax.

Hell, just finding that above image, I discovered a bunch of video clips I didn't get to use in the video I made, which I want to fix. Kinda.

So while I waffle about fixing/redoing the whole damn thing, you can go ahead and watch what I put together after the break.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

So, after taking a week off from the blog to focus on job hunting, I have an interesting story to tell.

Well, it's an interesting story to me at least.

If newsies know one thing, it's what is important stories everyone must know. (Google Image)

Last week, I went to Fred Meyers to feed my crippling Diet Coke addiction when I met a gentleman in the entryway, selling subscriptions to the Seattle Times and giving away entries for a $250 promotional shopping spree.